Course curriculum

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    • Welcome!

    • Winter Solstice Restoration - Welcoming Practice!

    • Restorative Yoga for Winter Rest

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    Day One - Winter Solstice

    • Mindfulness Practice - Showering

    • Restorative Practice - Legs Up

    • Winter Solstice Yoga Nidra

    • Recipe/Ritual - Lemon Water

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    Day Two

    • Mindfulness Practice - Nature Connection

    • Comfy Bed Yoga

    • Recipe - Brain Boosting & Detoxifying Smoothie

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    Day 3

    • Mindfulness - When Grief is Present During the Holidays

    • Restorative Practice - Bump on a Log

    • Recipe - Warming, Grounding & Nourishing Sweet Potato Stew

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    Day 4

    • Mindfulness Practice - Hyyge: Concepts to Create a Relaxing, Cozy and Peaceful Holiday Season.

    • Restorative Practice - Legs Up The Wall

    • Recipe/Ritual - A Bedtime Nourish & Detox Ritual

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    Merry Christmas!

    • Mindfulness Practice - Gratitude

    • Recipe - Anti-Inflammatory Golden Mylk

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    Day 6

    • Ayurvedic Practice - Ahbyanga

    • Supported Restorative Integration

    • Recipe - Black Cherry Juice

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    Day 7

    • Mindfulness Practice - Marie Kondo-ing Your Holidays!

    • Grounding Yoga Practice

    • Recipe - Liver Support Smoothie

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    Day 8

    • Mindfulness Practice - Journaling

    • Grounding Breathing Technique

    • Recipe - Vata Pacifying Tea

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    Day 9

    • Mindfulness Practice - Inviting Ayurvedic Seasonal Wisdom

    • Restorative Yoga - Balancing Meditation

    • Recipe - Ayurvedic Kitchari

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    Day 10

    • Grounding Yoga Practice - 10 minutes!

    • Recipe - Liver Healing Juice

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    Day 11

    • Mindfulness - Sleep Hygiene

    • Restorative Practice - Loving Your Roots

    • Recipe/Ritual - Lemon Balm Tea

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    Happy New Year! Day 12

    • Mindfulness - New Years Card Pull

    • Restorative Practice - Fallen Tree Pose

    • Recipe - Gingerbread Smoothie

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    Bonus Day!

    • Bonus - Full Length Yoga Nidra

    • Recipe/Ritual - Earthy Tea