Course curriculum

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    Welcome to Transformational Sleep Yoga Nidra Training

    • Welcome Message & Opening Prayer

    • What Does This Training Teach You?

    • Introduction to Tiina

    • Onboarding Check List

    • Logistics - How to Use This Course

    • Thinkific Classroom Walkthrough

    • Introduction to Kristyn

    • Logistical Details: FAQ's

    • Yoga Nidra Practice Log Sheet

    • Live Group Mentor Call Schedule & Zoom Links

    • Live Connection Call Schedule & Zoom Links

    • Live Call (Practicum) Log Sheet

    • Recommended Readings

    • Live Practices in Our Online Studio - Optional

    • Before we begin... Mini Survey

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    Module 1 - Yoga Nidra - Changing States of Consciousness

    • Module 1 Homework

    • Homework Sheet - Module One

    • Practice Links & Extra Practices (with descriptions)

    • What is Yoga Nidra?

    • Yoga Nidra History - Where Does It Come From?

    • What is the Difference Between Yoga Nidra and Meditation?

    • What Does the Word Yoga Nidra Mean?

    • Foundation of Primary Sankalpa

    • Future Self - Primary Sankalpa Inquiry

    • Primary Sankalpa Worksheet

    • The 5 Maya Koshas

    • Maya Kosha Illustration / Infographic

    • The 4 Stages of Sleep

    • The 5 Brain Waves

    • Brain Waves Illustration / Infographic

    • Yoga Nidra, Hypnosis, & Hypnotherapy

    • The 4 States of Consciousness

    • 4 States of Consciousness Infographic

    • Sleep Paralysis

    • Lucid Dreaming

    • Out of Body Experience - Astral Projection

    • What Conditions Can Yoga Nidra Help With?

    • Share Your Reflections!

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    Module 2 - Annamaya Kosha - Rotation of Consciousness

    • Annamaya Kosha Homework

    • Homework Sheet - Download

    • Practice Links & Extra Practices (with descriptions)

    • Welcome Your Primary Sankalpa - Morning Meditations

    • Annamaya Kosha - Rotation of Consciousness

    • Teaching Through Transmission Foundations - Feeling Your Way Through Body Scan

    • How to Set up the Physical Body - Savasana

    • How to Set up the Physical Body - Supported Savasana

    • Supported Savasana 2

    • How to Set up the Physical Body - Fetal Position

    • How to Set up the Physical Body - Supported Dandasana

    • Preparation and Relaxation Phase for Annamaya Kosha

    • Annamaya Kosha - Body Scan 1 Download

    • Annamaya Kosha - Body Scan 2 Download

    • Rotation Of Consciousness Examples Download

    • Test your learning!

    • Share Your Reflections!

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    Module 3 - Pranamaya Kosha - Prana Dharana

    • Pranamaya Kosha Homework

    • Module Three - Homework Sheet

    • Practice Links & Extra Practices (with descriptions)

    • How to Guide Pranamaya Kosha Versus Pranayama & The Intelligence of Prana

    • Exploring Pranamaya Kosha

    • Introduction to Pranamaya Kosha

    • Introduction to the Nadis

    • The Energetic Heart Centre

    • Introduction to the Prana Vayus

    • Introduction to the Chakras

    • Learning Inquiries - The 7 Chakras

    • Introduction to the Nervous System

    • Pranayama - Dirgha Pranayama

    • Pranayama - The Physiological Sigh

    • Pranayama - Ujjai

    • Pranayama - Sama Vritti

    • Pranayama - Kumbhakas (4-7-8)

    • Pranayama - Brahmari

    • Pranayama - Chandra Bhedena

    • Pranayama - Nadi Shodhana

    • Kumbhakas and Other Breathing Techniques

    • Pranamaya Kosha Script 1

    • Pranamaya Kosha Script 2

    • Test your learning - Pranamaya Kosha

    • Share Your Reflections!

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    Module 4 - Manomaya Kosha - Asraya & Bhavana

    • Introduction to Manomaya Kosha

    • Manomaya Kosha Homework

    • Module 4 Homework Sheet

    • Practice Links & Extra Practices (with descriptions)

    • Asraya: Inner Refuge

    • Inner Refuge - Module Four Transformational Sleep Yoga Nidra Teacher Training

    • Positive Bhavanas

    • Polar Sensations

    • Four Aspects of Mind

    • The 3 types of Consciousness

    • Trauma Informed Yoga Nidra

    • Brain Physiology & Body Chemistry - How Yoga Nidra Changes Your Brain & Body

    • Inner Refuge Script

    • Share Your Reflections!

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    Module 5 - Manomaya Kosha - Karma & Pratipaksha Bhavana

    • Module 5 - What You Can Discover - Please Go At Your Own Pace!

    • Module 5 Manomaya Homework

    • Module 5 Homework Sheet

    • Practice Links & Extra Practices (with descriptions)

    • Overview of Manomaya Kosha

    • Inner Refuge: When to Guide Asraya

    • Samskaras - Little Grooves

    • Karma Lesson Illustration

    • The Law of Karma

    • Karma Homework Explained

    • Karma Worksheet - Live Workshop with Ally

    • Karma - How Does It Work?

    • Karma Worksheet 1

    • Karma Worksheet 2

    • Secondary Sankalpas

    • Secondary Sankalpa Worksheet

    • Pratipaksha Bhavana - Emotions

    • Working with Emotions

    • Practice: Feeling Emotions

    • Polar Sensations & Emotions Worksheet

    • Manomaya Kosha Script 1

    • Manomaya Kosha Script 2

    • Test Your Learning!

    • Share your Reflections!

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    Module 6 - Vijnanamaya Kosha - Buddhi Consciousness

    • Homework Module 6

    • Homework Sheet

    • Practice Links & Extra Practices (with descriptions)

    • Intro to Vijnanamaya Kosha

    • Ashtanga Yoga - Limbs of Meditation

    • Disindentification vesus Disassociation

    • Limiting Beliefs & The Second Arrow

    • Guiding Vijnanamaya Kosha

    • Symbols, Stories and Metaphors in Yoga Nidra

    • Experiencing Subtle to Dense - Gratitude Practice

    • Homework Vijnanamaya

    • Share Your Reflections!

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    Module 7 - Anandamaya Kosha - Passive Samadhi

    • Anandamaya Kosha Homework (Update)

    • Anandamaya Kosha Homework

    • Module Seven Homework Sheet

    • Practice Links & Extra Practices (with descriptions)

    • Intro to Anandamaya Kosha

    • 2nd Yoga Sutra - Stilling the Thought Waves

    • Guiding Anandamaya Kosha

    • Speaking to Anandamaya Kosha

    • Intro to Sound Instruments

    • New Mentor Introduction: Charlie Gates

    • Sound & Yoga Nidra

    • How Sound Works

    • Playlists & Recorded Music

    • Supportive Sound & Instruments

    • Congruency & Flow

    • Sound Meditation with Charlie

    • How to Use Your Voice & Language: Projection, Directives and Pacing

    • Sound Meditation & Yoga Nidra with Charlie

    • Creative Writing Assignment Guidelines

    • Share Your Reflections!

    • Royalty Free Music - Where to find it

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    Module 8 - The 11 Phases of Transformational Sleep

    • Week 8 Homework Assignment

    • Week 8 Homework Sheet

    • Practice Links & Extra Practices (with descriptions)

    • The 11 Phases of Transformational Sleep

    • 11 Stages Information Sheet

    • Week 8 - Practice Teach Outline

    • How to Guide Sankalpa

    • Share Your Reflections!

    • Practice Links & Extra Practices (with descriptions)

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    Module 9 - Delivering Your Nidra Live or Digitally

    • Week 9 Homework Assignment

    • Week 9 - Homework Sheet

    • Practice Links & Extra Practices (with your peers!!!)

    • Practicum Log Sheet

    • Practice Teach Outline - 30 Minute/11 Phase Practice Teach

    • Low Tech Recordings and Lives

    • Yoga Nidra - 11 Steps (Facebook Live Practice)

    • Recording & Editing Equipment List

    • How to Record a Yoga Nidra (High Tech)

    • How To Set Up & Record in Audition

    • How to Edit a Recording in Adobe Audition

    • How to Edit a Video in Adobe Premiere

    • How to Upload a Recording to Youtube

    • How to Upload a Recording to Insight Timer

    • How to do a Facebook Live Yoga Nidra

    • Share Your Reflections!

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    Module 10 - Practicum Directions & Specialized Nidras

    • Homework - Final Practice Teach Directions :)

    • Introduction to Module 10

    • Week Ten Homework Sheet

    • Practice Links & Extra Practices (with your peers!!!)

    • Yoga Nidra for Kids

    • Yoga Nidra and Accessibility

    • Yoga Nidra for Trauma

    • Week Ten Practice Teach Outline

    • Week Ten - Self Mentoring

    • Peer's Practicum Log Sheet

    • LAST STEPS to get CERTIFIED - Share Your Reflections!

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    Module 11 - Monthly Live Workshops

    • Replay - Radiant Rest Q&A with Tracee Stanley - May 2024

    • Replay - Book Club with Marcy - Radiant Rest - April 2024

    • Replay - The Importance of Training the Entire Spectrum of the Nervous System - Breath Work Workshop with Jacob Mark - March 2024

    • Replay - Setting Boundaries with Confidence - workshop with Emma - February 2024

    • Replay - Mastering Your Mind - workshop with Emma - January 2024

    • Replay - Creating Your First Yoga Nidra Offering in Your Community with Kristyn (Part 2) - November 2023

    • Replays - 3 Part Vata Season Workshop with Ally - October 2023

    • Replays - 3 Part Nervous System Workshop with Tiina - Sept 2023

    • Replays - 8 Part Chakra Workshop with Kristyn - July/Aug 2023

    • Replays - 4 Part Yoga Nidra Workshop for Beginner's with Ally - June 2023

    • Replay - Inclusive & Gender Neutral Language with Charlie - April 2023

    • Replay: How To Create Your First Nidra Workshop with Kristyn - Feb 2023

    • Solstice Restorative & Nidra Immersion - December 2022

    • Replay - Astral Projection with Rosalie - November 2022

    • Full Moon Gratitude Restorative Yoga & Nidra Immersion - October 2022

    • Rules of the Subconscious Mind with Ally - Sept 2022

    • Replay - Kids Yoga Nidra with Tarryn - September 2022

    • Replay - 7 Chakra Interactive Workshop with Tiina - August 2022

    • Replay - Marketing, ICAs & Attracting an Audience Workshop with Ally - June 2022

    • Replay -Sound Meditation with Charlie - July 2022

    • Replay - Restorative Yoga & Yoga Nidra Workshop with Tiina - January 2022

    • Replay - Sound Meditation with Charlie Gates - November 2021

    • Replay - Hatha Yoga & Preparatory Practices Workshop with Kristyn - July 2024